Super Blaster VII Turbo 28 (1993) - Drops Terry Bogard from the previous version for Andy Bogard and Mai Mai (Mai Shiranui) and adds Zangief back in.This is also one of the few Cony games that allows the player to switch IRQ modes at the beginning of the game Another version exists with a Japanese title screen, which was most likely released in Asian territories. Street Fighter X Turbo 40 (1993) - Adds Sagat, M.Bison and Terry Bogard from Fatal Fury II while dropping Zangief, and every character has 3 more recolors of themselves.

Another version with the copyrights altered is known to exist. Blanka's stage was changed as well due to unknown reasons. Street Blaster V Turbo 20 (1993) - Uses a different select screen with much bigger icons and is the first known variant to include clones (with all having different names).The Blaster title was most likely released in Western territories.
#Street fighter 6 wikia pro

The special moves themselves are executed differently to the official Street Fighter II, requiring the player to press a direction on the D-pad plus A and B at the same time, with the exception of special moves that require to press a button repeatedly. Like Cony's other games, the AI is considered to be unfairly difficult and is known to frequently spam specials. The presentation is more accurate to the real Street Fighter II than the re-releases/hacks that came afterwards. This release only contains the original 8 fighters, with the bosses appearing in later variants. This appears to be the original Street Fighter II port by Cony, and is possibly their first game.